Course offer
Courses and seminars at the IGH Sonnenhof
We have made it our task to provide you with exactly the methods and paths from the holistic healing process that have proven themselves in the practice of successful therapists.
Our focus is currently on the following areas:
- NLP training (practitioner, master and coach, according to the guidelines of DVNLP)
- Systemic structural constellations (structural constellations for (rural) women, farm structural constellations)
- Constellations on the subject of lifelong dreams/desire to have children
- Dravidian Ayur-Veda
- Drawidic rebalancing
- Prana Veda (ayur-vedic energy work) with constellation of the mind (project)
Funding Opportunities
The state of Schleswig Holstein has started the state program for work. Under point C (investments in education, training and vocational training...) a further training bonus SH is provided as point C 4. Subsidies for training at the IGH Sonnenhof could possibly be applied for via the further training bonus. The program started in autumn 2014. You can find further information on the SH training bonus within the “Work” state program on the SH Investment Bank website.
Target groups of the courses

The courses at the IGH Sonnenhof are aimed at:
- everyone who communicates a lot with people
- doctors
- people who work in public institutions
- naturopath
- therapists and psychologists
- pedagogues
- People who work in the social field
- management
- People who want to face the challenges of the times.
Trainers within the DVNLP have the opportunity to use the Quality-Transparency-Integrity seal.
In this way, they document to their customers and seminar participants that they recognize the professional code of conduct for further training and have committed themselves with their signature to act according to its ethical guidelines and in its spirit.
The DVNLP is a member of the Values Orientation in Continuing Education forum, thereby opening up this opportunity.
The further educators (trainers/advisers/coaches) active in the market for further vocational training have drawn up an ethical code to ensure transparency in the market and to protect customer interests. With this, the educators undertake to observe these professional ethics and, in the event of a conflict, to submit to the complaints procedure of the "Forum Value Orientation in Continuing Education eV".
This professional code provides the basis for professional educators to carry out their work in accordance with professional quality standards and with personal integrity.
In this way, the training organizations involved promote open and trusting dealings with all those involved in the market, protect the development of the profession and point out the responsibility and obligation of the profession towards society.
All information and the code of conduct can be found on the website of the Values in Continuing Education Forum.
(Text from DVNLP – Oct. 2018)